My designs stem from the idea of looking at things differently. I take ordinary designs and shapes and make them extraordinary by creating a fresh new way for people to see them. In some instances a piece takes on a personality that reflects the tastes of the client. Other times I design a piece of furniture as a concept with no client in mind. All of my furniture will make a positive impact in your life by enriching your surroundings.
I do not build a certain style of furniture. Instead the style I like to call my furniture is functional art because it blends both functionality and fine art to give a unique experience unlike any other medium of art.
In the construction of my furniture I use mostly traditional joinery or modified versions of traditional joints. The dimensioning of stock in preparation for joinery is done by machine. Where possible I usually machine cut joinery for speed and consistency. Occasionally in certain circumstances hand cutting is better suited to the particular project or design. For an example I will hand cut dovetail joinery for a drawer just for the ascetics of hand cut dovetails one cannot achieve with a machine. Most of the hand work I do is the final smoothing of the surface and free form shaping of curved parts. Occasionally I will fine tune certain machine cut joints by hand.